A New Sun may rise

A New Sun may rise
Hatred, oppression, violence dominate the benevolent side of man by far: hatred for his fellow men, of the weaker, of animals, and of the very nature that nourishes him.

A change can not happen spontaneously.

It is necessary to rediscover a great willpower and deep reflection on the precarious aspects of our present existence and on the possible ways to remedy the already caused damage, in order to build a new reality rich in sentiment and love. We need to push it out from our hearts the most important things: respect, honesty, love, and push back into the dark the demonic side of our nature which is the cause of our unhappiness and loneliness.

In the iconography a human being who identifies himself in a gargoyle, symbol of evil and ruin, tries to obscure the light of the sun that illuminates our soul. All around is ruin and solitude. Only from the volition of man can a new sun arise. The presence of the mysterious black monolith will instill in him a new impulse destined to rekindle the light of intelligence in his mind, which is now deprived of the fundamental values ​​of civil life.